Software Documentation: The Complete Guide

Software documentation refers to information that either describes the architecture and technical details of the software, explains how to use it, or is used to manage the software development process.

Software Documentation: The Complete Guide

This is going to sound like a cliche, but it's true: software runs the world! From smartphones to smart TVs, cars, smart homes, medical equipment, industrial control systems, ships, airplanes, and space shuttles. You name it, and it’s controlled by software. 

And here is another cliche: software is nothing without the documentation. Software creators, i.e. developers, need documentation to create good software. Software users, i.e. customers, need documentation to use and benefit from the software. And managers need documentation to keep the development process on track. 

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of software documentation, including the different types, examples, and an effective framework for creating good documentation.

Let’s begin.

What is Software Documentation?

Software documentation refers to information that either describes the architecture and technical details of the software, explains how to use it, or is used to manage the software development process. The documentation serves multiple purposes and different types are created for various audiences.

The traditional documentation format is written text supplemented by images and other visual aids. However, modern software documentation is often video-based and offers multiple benefits, including higher engagement, accessibility, and knowledge retention. 

Types of Software Documentation

There are two main types of software documentation: product and process documentation. Product documentation includes documentation aimed at software creators, known as developer documentation, and documentation aimed at users, known as user documentation. Process documentation helps project managers and leaders manage and track the development process. 

We will cover both types of documentation in more detail.

Product Documentation

Product documentation, as the name implies, describes the product i.e. software. It includes technical information related to software design, including the code, architecture, and usage. There are two types of product documentation for software: documentation used by developers and documentation for users. 

Developer Documentation

Developers create and use several types of documentation during the software development process, including the following:

  • Requirements documentation: Covers software requirements, including functional and non-functional requirements
  • Design documentation: Details the software architecture, design patterns, and components
  • API documentation: Provides information on how to interact with the software’s APIs, including endpoints, methods, parameters, and examples
  • Source code documentation: Includes inline comments and external documents explaining the code structure, logic, and functions.
  • Architecture diagrams: Visual representations of the system’s architecture, components, and their interactions
  • Testing and Quality Assurance (QA) documentation: Includes test plans, test cases, test scripts, and results to ensure software quality.
  • Development standards and guidelines: Defines coding standards, best practices, and conventions for consistent development.
  • Interface design documentation: Describes the user interface design, including wireframes, mockups, and User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) guidelines.
  • Deployment guides: Detailed steps for deploying the software, including automation scripts and rollback procedures

User Documentation

User Documentation that enables users to understand, implement, and utilize software effectively is equally important. Some examples include the following:

  • User manuals: Comprehensive guides that explain how to use the software, covering all features and functionalities.
  • Quick start guides: Concise instructions to help users get started with the software quickly.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Lists of common questions and answers about the software.
  • Help Files: Context-sensitive help accessible within the software, providing immediate assistance on specific features or issues.
  • Online help and tutorials: Web-based resources, including step-by-step tutorials, instructional videos, and interactive guides.
  • Knowledge base articles: Detailed articles on various topics related to software use, troubleshooting, and best practices.
  • Release notes: Information about new features, improvements, and bug fixes in new software releases.
  • Troubleshooting guides: Instructions for diagnosing and resolving common issues and errors.
  • Reference guides: Detailed descriptions of specific functions, commands, or features for advanced users.
  • Cheat sheets: Quick reference cards or sheets summarizing key commands, shortcuts, or features.
  • Tutorials and how-to guides: Step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks or workflows within the software.
  • Interactive help systems: Built-in, context-sensitive help systems that provide guidance as users navigate the software.
  • Support documentation: Contact information and guidelines for obtaining technical support or customer service.

Process Documentation

Process Documentation that helps project managers and relevant stakeholders track and manage the software development process plays an equally crucial role. Some examples include the following:

  • Project plans: Outline the project scope, timelines, milestones, deliverables, and resources needed for the software development project.
  • Product roadmaps: Outline the vision, direction, priorities, and progress of a software development project over time.
  • Meeting notes and minutes: Documentation of meetings, including agendas, discussions, decisions, and action items.
  • Risk management plans: Identify potential risks, their impact, and mitigation strategies to manage and reduce risks during development.
  • Process guidelines and standards: Define the development processes, coding standards, best practices, and conventions to be followed by the development team.

Importance of Software Documentation

Software documentation is important because it serves multiple purposes.

Detailed documentation is a repository of knowledge, expertise, and experience. It enables effective knowledge sharing: information about software architecture, functionality, and use can be easily shared among team members and stakeholders. When developers leave a company, new hires can reference the existing documentation to learn about the software and play a constructive role in its development. Developers tasked with updating and maintaining software rely on documentation to learn about its code and design. 

Documentation is essential for project managers, who use it to track and manage the development process from start to finish.  

For regulated industries, documentation aids compliance by recording how the software addresses legal and regulatory requirements.

For users, documentation is the foundation that allows them to understand, install, use, and troubleshoot software easily and effectively.

How to Create Effective Software Documentation

Follow this step-by-step process to create effective documentation.

#1 Understand Your Goal

The type of documentation you create, its format, and the level of detail, all depend on your goal. Therefore, clarity about the documentation’s goals is of ultimate importance in the creation process. 

Suppose your goal is to help developers understand the software code. In that case, you will create source code documentation with detailed comments so that developers can easily understand the underlying code without running into any problems whenever they want to make any changes or revisions to the software.

If you aim to help end users install software quickly, you will create a quick start guide outlining the steps users can follow to install the software.

If your goal is to give developers and your customers an overview of your vision for how the software will evolve with time, you will create a product roadmap with details for how software functions will be added. 

So understand your goal: everything else depends on it.

#2: Understand the Audience

The second most important step in the documentation creation process is to understand the audience. If documentation doesn’t match the audience's needs and preferences and doesn’t help them achieve their goals, it will be essentially useless. 

Therefore, audience research is a critical part of the documentation process. 

It will help you understand the language you must use to get your message across: for developers, you can use complex and technical terminology, but for end users, you must use language they can easily understand.

For users with short attention spans, rather than creating hundred-page manuals, it will be much more effective to create short videos they can watch at their leisure. 

If usability testing reveals users find it hard to navigate and find specific information, you can add search functionally to online documentation to make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for. 

If your audience includes users with varying levels of knowledge and expertise, you can create customized documentation for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users.

In essence, the quality of your documentation depends on how well you understand your audience. 

#3 Select the Documentation Format

Several factors determine the documentation format, including its purpose, target audience, complexity, update frequency, and compliance requirements. 

For example, if the content is highly technical and detailed like software architecture, and the audience is comprised of software developers or engineers, you can create written documentation with visual aids to aid understanding and knowledge retention. 

If the content includes a step-by-step process for a particular software use case and is aimed at end users or developers, you can create a short video and supplement it with written documentation for users who prefer to learn via written material. AI-powered documentation platforms like Documentations AI can help you streamline the documentation process: you can create professional-grade video and written documentation from screen recordings in almost no time. 

#4 Plan the Documentation

Once the format is finalized, you can go ahead and plan the documentation. 

For written documentation, such as a manual, the plan will include the list of chapters, the sections in each chapter, the list of figures and tables, and the appendices. During planning, it is important to consult with relevant stakeholders so that necessary information is not missed. It is also important to decide the level of detail to include in the documentation. Once the plan is final, get it reviewed by subject matter experts before proceeding with content creation.

For video documentation, such as a tutorial or process overview, the plan will include the topics to cover and the sequence in which you will present them. Here again, it's important to brainstorm with relevant stakeholders before proceeding with video script creation: document collaboration software can help you streamline this process.

#5 Create the Documentation

For written documentation, you might need to hire a team of technical writers who will work with subject matter experts (SMEs) to create documentation. This is an iterative and time-consuming process: the writers will interview the SMEs, create documentation, get it reviewed by the SMEs, make necessary changes, and so on.

In contrast, for video documentation, especially that created with AI-powered platforms like Documentations AI, you can create the documentation easily without going through a lengthy and iterative process. Just download and install the Docai Chrome extension, create a screen recording from your script, and upload it. Documentations AI will convert the screen recording into polished video and written documentation at the press of a button. You can easily make edits, change backgrounds, zoom in on your clicks, or change your voice. Instead of months, your documentation will be ready for publication today. 

#6 Review the Documentation

Before you can publish the documentation, get it reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders for accuracy, relevance, and completeness. 

#7 Test the Documentation

Testing is the final step before publication. It gives you real insight into how the documentation will perform in the hands of its users. Feedback will help you improve the documentation, add content that might have been missed, and make necessary changes to aid its usability. 

#8 Publish the Documentation

After testing, you can go ahead and publish the documentation via the approved communication channels. 

With written documentation, it’s often necessary to print complete manuals, which is a costly and time-consuming process. 

Video documentation can be shared easily and instantly via the web, email, social media, and messaging apps. Accessibility is one of the most important benefits of video documentation: once ready, you can make the documentation accessible to users, partners, and developers located anywhere in the world. 

#9 Update and Maintain the Documentation

Without timely updates and changes, documentation will become obsolete. That is why updates and maintenance are a necessary component of the documentation creation process. 

Maintenance of written documentation is time-consuming and costly: technical writers need to follow a lengthy iterative process for updates, reviews, and approvals. 

Video documentation does not suffer from this disadvantage: if you created a video last week, to update it you can simply recreate a new screen recording, make necessary edits, and publish the updated documentation today. 

Software Documentation Examples

Now let’s look at a few examples of effective software documentation.

Twilio API Documentation

Twilio is a cloud communications platform. It provides developers with tools to build and integrate various communication functionalities into applications. Twilio offers a range of APIs that enable businesses to send and receive voice calls, text messages, and emails, and facilitate video communications and other messaging services.

Twilio API documentation provides comprehensive resources for developers. It includes detailed guides on APIs for SMS, Voice, Video, and Email. Key features of the Twilio API docs include code samples in multiple programming languages, quick-start guides for common use cases, and best practices for API usage and security. 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) FAQs

AWS is a cloud computing platform. It offers computing services, including computing power, storage, and databases. AWS also provides higher-level services like machine learning, analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

AWS FAQs cover product features, pricing, security, compliance, and support options. The FAQs help new and existing customers navigate AWS's extensive services. Users can find information about general inquiries related to account management and billing, and specific AWS services, such as EC2, S3, and Lambda. 

Calendly Explainer Video

Calendly is an automated scheduling platform designed to simplify the process of booking meetings and appointments. It allows users to set their availability preferences and create personalized booking pages.

This short video starts by explaining the problem Calendly solves, i.e. the endless back-and-forth needed to schedule meetings. It then takes users through the exact process they can follow to easily schedule individual and team meetings with colleagues in different time zones.

It is a short yet powerful video: in only 1.5 minutes, it demonstrates the power of the SaaS with simple language and effective visuals, and will resonate with audiences and drive conversions. 

How to Choose a Software Documentation Tool

Hundreds of software documentation tools are available. But which one is right for you?

The right tool for you is the one that 

Documentations AI is an innovative document platform you can use to create stunning video documentation. To create documentation, download the Docai Chrome extension, create a screen recording, and upload the recording to the platform. Documentations AI will convert the recording into high-quality video documentation in seconds. If users prefer written documentation, the platform will create it from the video. 

The AI streamlines video production by automating metadata extraction and enhancing video quality. You can make effortless text changes, blur/delete items, and personalize video content. Manual zoom controls and background music integration enable the creation of professional-grade videos. Various software documentation types are supported, including tutorials, process documentation, templates, and SOPs, for comprehensive coverage of user and developer needs.

Elevate Your Software Documentation with Documentations AI

We often treat documentation as separate from the software. However, in reality, documentation is part of the software: it makes the software complete, useful, and beneficial. 

The traditional software documentation was in written form. However, with advancements in technology, modern and effective tools for documentation are now available to streamline the documentation process.  

Furthermore, user preferences have evolved: most users prefer video over written text. Video is more accessible and engaging, and aids knowledge retention.

Documentations AI is an innovative platform for the creation of video documentation. It combines AI-driven screen recordings with automatic transcription, interactive screenshots, and editable formats. You can create high-quality videos and complement them with detailed documentation while collaborating with your team. 

Sign up today to revolutionize your documentation processes and streamline content creation!


Here are frequently asked questions about software documentation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of software documentation?

Advantages of software documentation include knowledge transfer and retention, improved usability, effective training and onboarding, reduced support costs, and streamlined development and maintenance.

Disadvantages of software documentation include time-consuming and costly creation, rapid obsolescence, underutilization, and potential for inaccuracy. 

What are the documentation manuals used in software engineering?

Documentation manuals used in software engineering include specifications, design, implementation, and test manuals.