A Comprehensive Guide to Process Documentation

Product documentation describes products. Internal product documentation, such as product requirements documentation, product roadmaps, and test plans, is aimed at internal stakeholders and helps with product design and development.

A Comprehensive Guide to Process Documentation

Organizations must achieve specific short-term and long-term goals. This is impossible if work is performed randomly, without thinking and planning.

That is why most organizational work is defined by processes, a series of actions employees must perform to complete particular tasks. Organizations develop their processes over time, incorporating subject matter expertise, best practices, and lessons learned to optimize resource utilization and maximize productivity.

Process documentation captures the essence of organizational processes, and is key for business growth and success. 


  • Process documentation describes steps employees or users must perform to complete specific tasks.
  • Examples include guidelines for conducting performance reviews, antivirus configuration guides, and steps for handling customer inquiries.
  • Process documentation serves as a repository of organizational knowledge, helping train current and future employees, and ensuring compliance with organizational policies and procedures.

What is Process Documentation?

Process documentation describes in detail the steps employees or users must perform to complete particular tasks. It can take the form of written documentation, flowcharts, or video walkthroughs. 

Organizations change and evolve with time. Several internal and external factors, including technological advances, market dynamics, and regulatory changes, drive the evolution. That is why developing, maintaining, and updating process documentation is an ongoing process. 

Process vs. Product Documentation

Organizations develop and use several types of documentation aimed at internal and external users. 

Product documentation describes products. Internal product documentation, such as product requirements documentation, product roadmaps, and test plans, is aimed at internal stakeholders and helps with product design and development. External product documentation, such as user guides, installation guides, and release notes, is aimed at external stakeholders and helps users and business partners understand, use, and derive the maximum benefit from products.

Process documentation describes processes. Internal process documentation, such as SOPs and work instructions, is aimed at internal stakeholders, and its function is to help employees perform their jobs effectively. External process documentation, often found in user manuals and troubleshooting guides, helps external stakeholders perform tasks effectively. 

Types of Process Documentation

Process documentation can take on many forms and formats. What’s essential is that the document format and structure you use help users understand and implement the respective processes.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

An SOP is a set of step-by-step instructions organizations use for routine and repetitive activities. 

An SOP document typically starts with the title of the SOP, the revision date, and the author's name. The document will then describe the purpose of the SOP and its intended audience. Finally, the document will contain detailed instructions for performing the task. The instructions can be in the form of written text or graphical illustrations. You can also use platforms like Documentations AI to create effective and engaging video-form SOPs.

Work Instructions

Work instructions are detailed guidelines for performing specific tasks. They usually contain more details than SOPs.

A work instruction document will usually begin with a clear and descriptive title. It will then provide the purpose of the task and define its scope. The document will specify the resource responsible for performing the task. Additional details can include a list of materials, tools, and equipment needed for the task, and necessary safety precautions. Finally, the document will provide detailed step-by-step instructions, which can be supported by visual aids such as diagrams, tables, and illustrations.

Process Maps

A process map is a graphical depiction of the steps comprising a process. There are several types of process maps, and we will look at each in more detail.


A flowchart is a process map that uses shapes and symbols to represent tasks and events in a process, with connecting arrows to depict the sequence and direction of steps.

Flowcharts break down complex processes into manageable steps, making them easier to understand. They are also useful for teams working to streamline and optimize processes by identifying and removing inefficiencies and redundancies.

The following flowchart describes the process users of solvd.co.uk can follow to resolve problems with email reception. 

Swimlane Diagrams

A swimlane diagram is a process map that divides processes into lanes to show which department or individual is responsible for each step. Separate lanes represent different actors (e.g., departments, teams, individuals) involved. The lanes can be organized horizontally or vertically. Steps in a process are depicted as boxes or symbols within lanes. Arrows are used to connect process steps and indicate the direction and sequence of activities.

Swimlanes provide role clarity by reducing confusion about who is responsible and accountable for specific tasks. They are also an effective training aid and help with new employee onboarding.

The following example shows a swimlane diagram that can be used to define the roles and responsibilities of an organization's customer service department.

Value Stream Maps

Value stream maps (VSMs) are used to analyze and design the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. Boxes or icons are used to represent process steps. Arrows and lines are used to represent movement through the process. VSMs typically include time and other resources required for each step of the process. 

VSMs are often used to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement.

The following example shows a VSM for a fast-food delivery restaurant.


As the name implies, checklists are lists of activities or items you must review, perform, or verify to complete a process. Checklists are usually in written form, with checkboxes next to each item for tracking progress or completion. They can include additional instructions to clarify how tasks should be performed.

Checklists provide a structured approach to managing tasks. They are especially beneficial for processes where it is critical to ensure important tasks or items are not overlooked.

Pilots use different checklists as part of routine operations for aircraft and passenger safety:

  • Pre-flight checklist: To confirm the aircraft is properly prepared for flight before departure
  • Engine start checklist: Guides pilots through the steps for safely starting the aircraft engines
  • Cruise checklist: Steps to confirm proper configuration for cruising at altitude
  • Post-flight checklist: To verify the aircraft is secured and ready for the next flight
  • And many more.

Video Walkthroughs

Video walkthroughs are designed to take users on a tour of products and services. Since processes are a set of sequential actions, video walkthroughs are also used to effectively document processes. A walkthrough documenting a process can be a series of screenshots or images accompanied by audible explanations. 

Visual content is highly engaging and helps users retain information. Users with varying literacy and language comprehension levels can better grasp necessary information through visual and auditory cues. Users can easily pause, forward, or replay video sections to review information. 

Multiple channels, including email, websites, and messaging apps, can be used to share video documentation. Especially with the growth of remote work, video documentation can be created and shared easily with colleagues and customers around the world.

Business Benefits of Process Documentation

Documentation provides numerous benefits for businesses.

Streamlines Operations for Improved Productivity and Higher Revenues

Detailed process documentation provides employees with the knowledge they need to start and perform essential tasks. Clear guidelines improve consistency, reduce redundancies and errors, and enable faster completion of tasks and activities. Organizations can optimize resource allocation, improve overall productivity, and achieve higher revenues. By continuously optimizing processes, businesses can continue to minimize operating expenditures and improve profitability.

Safeguards Organizational Knowledge Which is Critical for Business Operations

Organizational knowledge is a valuable asset and can be lost if experienced employees leave the company, taking the knowledge accrued over years and decades with them. Loss of this knowledge can severely affect business operations, leading to a reduction in productivity because employees don’t know how to start or complete important tasks.

Documenting processes is an effective way of safeguarding this asset and ensuring continuity of operations. 

Standardization Reduces Errors and Improves Quality Control

Standardized processes are necessary for preventing errors and minimizing variability. Tasks performed consistently improve quality control, leading to reliable products and services, which in turn lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Reduces Training and Onboarding Time and Costs

With documentation in hand, businesses can quickly train existing employees and onboard new hires through cost-effective in-house training. Documentation enables effective knowledge-sharing: employees can quickly get up to speed with established processes and procedures and contribute to organizational productivity and growth. 

Documentation is Necessary for Regulatory Compliance

To meet industry standards and legal requirements, businesses must demonstrate adherence to recommended guidelines. During audits and inspections, businesses can demonstrate compliance via readily available documentation and prove that employees know and follow proper procedures and practices.

User Benefits of Process Documentation

In addition to business benefits, documentation provides several benefits for users of products and services.

Better Understanding and Insight Into Products and Services

Users need a minimum level of understanding and insight to best utilize products and services. User manuals, installation guides, and troubleshooting guides often contain detailed step-by-step instructions for carrying out specific tasks, such as installing or configuring software. These instructions provide information for users, which helps them better understand the products and services they want and need. With this understanding, users can utilize and benefit from products and services, which is beneficial for users and benefits the businesses that develop and market them. 

Users Can Solve Problems on Their Own

With detailed guides that provide the exact troubleshooting steps for common issues, users can solve problems on their own. This reduces the time users have to wait for a response from a customer support team, which can often run into days or even weeks. In addition to helping customers, self-service also reduces the burden on businesses and helps to reduce operating costs. 

The Challenges of Process Documentation

You must overcome several challenges before you can derive maximum benefits from documentation. 

Lack of Knowledge Sharing

In organizations, it’s common that some employees don't feel motivated to share information with others. They do this because they want to maintain an edge over others. To solve this problem, you must create a culture where knowledge sharing is rewarded and knowledge hoarding is discouraged and disincentivized. 

Hindrance to Innovation and Agility

A rigid and fixed way of doing things always hinders innovation and agility. Employees will not be able to bring their creative geniuses to the workplace if they feel that there is just one way of doing things. To encourage innovation and agility, you can create a culture where employees are aware of established best practices, and at the same time can suggest improvements and get rewarded for their ideas. 


With documentation, it’s easy to get bogged down due to a desire for perfectionism. While we all want our work to be perfect, we must understand the reality, i.e. documentation is iterative: the first version will be improved to create the second version, and so on. We must get started, and the improvements will come with time. 

Lack of Resouces

Employees must handle multiple tasks at the same time, and documentation can get relegated in terms of priority. An effective solution is for team members to brainstorm and decide the exact process they will follow to work on documentation. Even if they work on it once a week or once a month, it’s important to keep the ball rolling. 

A Step-by-Step Guide for Documenting Your Business Processes with Documentations AI

With Documentations AI, you can create high-quality documentation from simple screen recordings. Follow these steps to create high-quality video documentation for your business processes.

#1 Identify the Processes to Document

The first step is to identify the process or processes you want to document. You can select the processes used most frequently, ones that are most often misunderstood, ones that need optimization, or ones most critical for your business. 

#2 Understand the Audience

The documentation you create is not for you: it’s for your audience. Therefore, understanding the audience, i.e. their needs, preferences, and goals, is critical. 

If you are creating process documentation for software developers, you can use technical and domain-specific language to express your ideas.

However, if you are creating documentation for software users, you must use language they can understand. Using technical jargon and complex terminology will only hinder your goal. 

Put yourself in the shoes of your audience. Only then can you create effective documentation.

#3 Plan the Video

Before you can record the video, you must understand the processes you need to document and the steps they include. 

Here, it can be helpful to collaborate with team members who can help you plan the process, fill in gaps, and identify process exceptions. 

Once you have full clarity about the process, you can prepare the screenshots or diagrams you will use during the recording, and create a detailed script or use an outline. 

Try to use the top-down approach as it is beneficial for understanding: give an overview of the process and then go into specific details.

#4 Practice

To make sure the screen recording goes smoothly, you can go through one or more practice runs until you feel comfortable with the content and your delivery. 

Practice helps to reduce mistakes and improves confidence. Time spent in practice will save you from making multiple recordings later. 

If you know the subject matter like the back of your hand and feel confident, you can skip practice and jump right ahead. 

#5 Record the Video 

Install the Docai Chrome extension and use it to create the video recording. Once done, upload the video to the platform. The AI will streamline video production by automating metadata extraction and enhancing video quality to create stunning visual content.

#6 Review and Edit

Once the video is ready, you can review it, and edit it if required. With no-code edits, you can make effortless text changes, blur/delete items, and personalize video content adaptation. You can also use manual zoom controls and background music integration to create professional-grade videos.

#7 Share the Video

After editing, you can easily share the final video across approved communication channels. 

#8 Complement Videos with Written Documentation

For users who prefer written content, you can complement your videos with written documentation. And no, you don’t need to hire technical or content writers to do it for you: with the click of a button, Documentations AI will create written documentation from your video documentation. 

Process Documentation Best Practices

Implementing the following best practices will help you create effective documentation.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Use clear and straightforward language to explain process steps and related information. Minimize technical jargon unless it is essential and well-understood by the audience.

Be Consistent

Use consistent terminology and formatting throughout the documentation to aid user comprehension and prevent misunderstandings and confusion.

Use the Right Documentation Tools

With the right documentation tools, you can create effective process documentation. The tools you select should match your requirements. With Documentations AI, you can easily create high-quality video documentation. If needed, the software will convert the video into written documentation which you can use to complement the video. 

Implement a Feedback Loop

Feedback will tell you, in black and white,  what works and what doesn’t. Therefore, implement a system for continuous feedback: it will help you with relevant updates and enable continuous improvement.

Regularly Review and Update Documentation

Processes change with time: they are analyzed, improved and optimized, or new ones are created to replace obsolete ones. Therefore, to maintain accuracy and relevance, it is essential to regularly review and update your process documentation. 

Process Documentation Examples

Here are a few examples that demonstrate the power of video process documentation. 

Zapier How-To Video


This short 2-minute video explains how you can use Zapier to translate your Zoom meetings.

It includes step-by-step instructions you can follow to easily integrate Zoom with Zapier and set up an automated workflow for the translation process.

This is a great example of how engaging visual content can be used to share information with interested users. 

Zoom Configuration Process


This is another example of effective video process documentation. It takes you through a step-by-step process you can follow to configure Zoom AI comparison as an individual user. 

The video takes you through a detailed walkthrough that covers each step of the process. Using short videos is especially helpful because workers are always pressed for time. But anyone can take 5 minutes to go over a process tutorial, right?

Start Building Process Documentation with Documentations AI

Processes are a key ingredient of business operations. Documenting processes is important for several reasons, including knowledge preservation, consistency, quality control, regulatory compliance, and training and onboarding.

Traditionally, processes were documented by technical writers working with subject matter experts (SMEs). With technological advances, especially AI, SMEs can easily create documentation without requiring the help of a team of writers.

Documentations AI is a cutting-edge platform for process documentation. From screen recordings, you can create professional-grade video and written documentation in minutes, and seamlessly share it with customers and colleagues.

Sign up for a free trial and experience first-hand the power of this documentation solution. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about process documentation.

What are the rules for process documentation?

The documentation should capture the process in the necessary amount of detail: too little or too much detail will render it ineffective. It must communicate information in a way the audience can understand. The documentation must be updated regularly. Personnel who need to use documentation must be trained to make them aware of how they can put it into practice. 

What is the process documentation standard?

There is no defined standard for documenting processes. Each business has its own requirements and operating practices. Therefore, each business must develop its standard for documenting processes.